Easter Island Statue Project Official Website
Staff & Collaborators

EISP Offices & Contact Information

Project Office

Easter Island Statue Project
225 Arizona Avenue, Studio 500
Santa Monica, CA. 90401
United States of America

Phone: (310) 395-6502

Email: mail@eisp.org


Field Office

Mana Gallery/Galería Mana
Petero Atamu s/n
Hanga Roa, Rapa Nui

Galería Mana, Rapa Nui (Easter Island)













Mana Gallery is the home to the field office of EISP and a gallery of fine art by Rapanui artists.

Please visit the Mana Gallery website.

Posted on May 5th, 2009 by EISP Staff | Categories: Contact EISP, EISP, Staff & Collaborators |

EISP Project Staff

Cristian Arevalo Pakarati and Dr. Jo Anne Van TilburgJo Anne Van Tilburg, Ph.D.
Director, EISP

Archaeologist; Director, UCLA Rock Art Archive; Fellow, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology; Project Director, Easter Island Statue Project Conservation Initiative

Cristián Arévalo Pakarati
Co-director, EISP

Native Rapa Nui professional artist and illustrator; surveyor; EISP project participant 1989-2000; project co-Director, 2000-present; co-owner, with Jo Anne Van Tilburg, of Galería Mana, Hanga Roa, Rapa Nui, Chile

EISP Office Staff

Alice HomAlice L. Hom
Graphic Designer, Cartographer, Data Manager, Atlas Project Manager
B.A. Design Media Arts at UCLA
M.F.A. Design at Maryland Institute College of Art


IMG_1861Catharina E. Santasilia
Archive Manager and Editorial Assistant
B.A. Egyptology at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
M.A. Native American Studies at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Ph.D. Anthropology at the University of California, Riverside


Billimore-99Shannon Billimore
Editorial Assistant
B.A. Library and Information Studies / Humanities at Open Polytechnic of New Zealand
P.G. Dip. Museum Studies at Massey University
Certificate in Archaeology at UCLA Extension

EISP Atlas Contributors

Wendy All

Wendy All is a designer, linguist, author and volunteer with the UCLA Rock Art Archive since 1998. She has been part of the EISP since 2012.



Audrey Kopp

Audrey Kopp, retired mathematics teacher and long time volunteer at the UCLA Rock Art Archive, learned editing and writing skills as a staff member of the UCLA Daily Bruin during her student days. She is happily using the skills again for both the Archive and the EISP.



Schoch Passport Photo - OrigEd Schoch   Research support, data reduction and analysis and miscellaneous odd jobs




EISP Field Collaborators

Matthew Bates, P.E.Matthew Bates; P.E.
Field Surveyor



Baiheri Tuki Haoa
Photographer and Collections Records



A40_2011_55_004Tahira Edmunds
Data Collection and Transfer



EISP Conservation Project Initiative Collaborators

Monica Bahamondez PrietoMonica Bahamondez Prieto
Conservador Jefa, Centro Nacional de Conservación y Restauración, Santiago de Chile


Christian FischerChristian Fischer, Ph.D.
Research Associate, Cotsen Institute of Archaeology at UCLA




Former staff

Kim Anh Hoang, Designer and Database Editor

Julia Newbold, Research Assistant

Deidre Whitmore, Database Editor and Research Assistant

Amanda Spradling, Digital Files Editor

Sarah Nava, Archaeologist, GIS Specialist

Yeisi Pinochet, Copy Editor (English and Spanish)

Sebastian Waz, Research Assistant

Amanda Tsai, GIS Analyst, Database Editor

Summer 2016 Staff

Sarah Roberts

Abhishek Goel

Diana Garcia

Sebastian Waz


Posted on May 4th, 2009 by EISP Staff | Categories: Contact EISP, Staff & Collaborators |

In memoriam: Bill White

Bill White, Rapa Nui, 2004

Bill White, Rapa Nui, 2004

In memoriam

Bill White

September 4, 2022

It is with sadness and regret that we announce the passing of our dear friend and collaborator Bill White. A gifted photographer, videographer, and writer Bill was a joyful and creative companion in the field. He is missed and will be remembered by his friends at the UCLA Rock Art Archive and all who shared great fieldwork experiences with him in the California desert and on Rapa Nui.

Posted on October 24th, 2022 by Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Ph.D. | Categories: Letters from the Director, Staff & Collaborators |

Adrienne L. Kaeppler

On March 5, 2022, the field of Polynesian studies lost one of its greatest scholars. Dr. Adrienne L. Kaeppler (1935–2022) was an enthusiastic researcher into the history, arts, and aesthetics of island societies, including Rapa Nui. In turn, she earned friendship and respect for her intellect, curiosity, kindness, and generosity. Adrienne was a dear friend, a treasured colleague, and a mentor to all who had the great privilege of knowing her during her long and rewarding career. Adrienne was a born archivist and curator, a woman who believed in preserving the past so that we all might live better in the future. She penned hundreds of books and articles that never lose their appeal because of her straightforward, honest approach to research and her intuitive command of studiously acquired knowledge. Adrienne leaves behind a treasure trove of information, a surfeit of warm memories, and a body of work that will challenge the imagination of all who share her interests for years to come. A tribute to her memory from her friends in Tonga can be found here.

Adrienne L. Kaeppler with Cristián Arévalo Pakarati, Rapa Nui, 2013.

Adrienne L. Kaeppler with Cristián Arévalo Pakarati, Rapa Nui, 2013.

Adrienne engrossed with the collections in Pat Kirch’s lab with Jo Anne Van Tilburg, UC Berkeley, 2015.

Adrienne engrossed with the collections in Pat Kirch’s lab with Jo Anne Van Tilburg, UC Berkeley, 2015.

Posted on March 8th, 2022 by Jo Anne Van Tilburg, Ph.D. | Categories: Letters from the Director, Staff & Collaborators |